Wednesday August 7, 2024 Fun Game,  Today we had a gorgeous late summer day and had 6 full talbles.  We played a Howell movement with 8 rounds of 3 boards each.  Everybody did a great job and we had a lot of fun despite the heavy metal accompaniment from Centennial halls HVAC ensemble!

We welcomed  a new member of our club - Colleen Bakker.  She plays Goren bridge and is looking for someone who knows Goren, if possible.  She attended the beginner lessons on August 6th and decided she would wait until they got to the correct level.  

The front runners were Dave and Jane, followed by  Claire and Mary Lynn, Bobbi and Sid.  Then Pat and Sherry and Susanne (back from bridge camp)and Paul!

You all did very well!  Hope you had as much fun as I did.

