Wednesday Fun Bridge 27 March 2024
Started out overcast finished bright and sunny!
We had a 4.5 table Howell movement with 8 rounds where each pair played 21 boards. The winners were Jack Sulger and William Shipwreck (?)! with a 67% average. Followed by Bobbi and Jim with 58%, Rick and Penny with 51% and as Penny said the 4th in the Olympics (Carol and Margie with 50%. Very nicely done! You all played very well and we all had a good time.
Next week we will have a new visitor to our Fun Bridge game. Chris Baker who played bridge in his teens and wants to take up the game. He has been taking lessons in Exeter and has a different playing style (2/1 and using Losing Trick Count rather than Standard American.) I look forward to running the game again in April!
Your Assistant Director, Suzanne