Tuesday 1 October 2024

We reviewed REVERSES in our beginners lesson today.  Remember only the opener can reverse by opening a lower suit and then a NEW higher suit later.  In Advanced beginners we discussed opening in the 3rd or 4th seat and learned the RULE of 15.  Next week we will review preempts and responding to them in beginners lessons.  In advanced beginners lessons, we will introduce the Drury coinvention used when partner opens a major in the 3rd or 4th seat.  What Fun!

We had 6 full tables for our pupil game, although to make 6 full tables we had to suffer a playing director.  Bill Swett managed to win with 62.8%, even though we had to be declarer when his lousy partner (yours truly) left him to answer questions by other players.  Wynne and Betty came in a close second with 61.1% and Jane and Susan were a respectable 58.9% for third place.  

I had a great time and hope you did too!  See you next week!  --Carl