Tuesday 28 January 2025

In Advanced beginners, we discussed the importance of determining when to pull trump as declarer.  In beginners. we discussed the Gerber convention used to ask for Aces and Kings in No Trump.  Next week we will continue play of the Hand in Advanced Beginners and review Jacoby 2NT in beginners.  

We restart the cycle on February 11 (That's just two weeks away!), so tell all of your friends who are interested in learning bridge, but were reluctant to come into the middle of the lesson cycle.

We Had 6 full tables in the pupil game including a fill-in by the instructor.  Gerri C and Kathy H were the big winners with 63% and the Kingsburys came in a very repectable second with almost 62%! Our new player, Lynn Bubley( WELCOME!!), came in third, in spite of being saddled with the instuctor.

Looking forward to next week already!!  ---Carl