Wednesday 27 November 2024 - Thanksgiving Evening

 We had a fine 4 table Howell movement where we all played 7 rounds of 4 boards.  And most pairs got to play each other.  Thank you for coming today. The weather was fine, and we had a grand time.  We were joined by Jim, Wolfgang, Colleen and Mark and Bob who are most welcome to this game!

Everybody did a good job.  However, there is always one couple that comes in above the others!  Today that couple was  Jill and Janet with 62.5%, followed by Paul and Suzanne with 58.33% , then  Jack and Dave with 55.95% .  Dave and Jack had a grand time showing Suzanne and Paul who was boss, when they bid 3 NT and went down 5 vulnerable! That was a bottom!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

See you in December!



 Tuesday 26 November 2024 Pupil Game and Lessons

In our advanced beginners game we discussed different ways to finesse in addition to leading to the Q when holding the AQ.  Next time (in two weeks, NO ADVANCED BEGINNERS LESSON NEXT WEEK!) we will discuss the finesse some more.  In beginners class we discussed the BIG double as an extension of the Take Out double. Next week we will have a review of recent topics, led by Suzanne Sayer, as I will be in Vegas trying to earn more Master Points.

We had six full tables in our Pupil game and Bob E pulled me along to a tie for first, at least that what he said.  Mary Lynn and Claire tied with us and Bill Swett and John Safford came in third.  I had a lot of fun today and hope you did too!!  See you in two weeks! ---Carl

 Thursday Open Game 21 November 2024

We played a perfect 9 table Mitchell movement with 3 A teams, 3 B teams and 3 C teams in both directions and no sit outs.  Congratulations to Connie/Roger for first place overall followed by Pat/Suzanne who were 2nd place overall and first place in the C strat. Barbara/John earned points EW in their C strat.

No bridge next week on Thanksgiving and Suzanne will be running this game the following week for a special high-point game.

 Wednesday 20 November 2024 - Another lovely late fall day brought us 6 and a half tables with 13 rounds of 2 boards and because of the odd number of couples a Howell Movement. We had 2 new bridge players, Barbara Turk and Marc Schwartz in addition to our other new person last week Jan Ebeling!  WE WILL HAVE A GAME THE DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!

First place today goes to Pat and Sherry with a 64.58% , next came the Poulins with a 62.08% game, followed closely by Dave and Jack with 60.83%.  Next are the Moores and Bobbie and Sid made up the top 5 teams.  Hope you all had a good time.  With 2 hands a round they should be played in 15 minutes x 13 = 195 minutes. and 2 minutes between hands. so 24+195 = 219 minutes or 3 hours 39 minutes.  So we were a bit slow, but we all had a great time!

You all did very well!  Use the enclosed hands to compare how others did an improve your game.  See you next week!


 Tuesday November 19

We discussed more about establishing suits for play of the hand in NT in Adv Beginners and Take Out Doubles in Beginners class.  Next week we will discuss finesses in play of the hand in Advanced beginners and have one final lesson on Take out doubles in Beginners class.

We had 5 full tables with a playing instructor/director in the Pupil game.  GaryTerhune came back after a long absence for golf and Lyndon and Charles came back to play in their first duplicate game.  Welcome back all of you!!  

Bob Cully (We miss you Ann!)  and Melissa V won the day with 68.24%!! Mary Lynn and Claire were a close second with 67.53%.  We hope to see you all next week!  ---Carl

Open Game 14 November 2024

Wow - we had a 9-1/2 table Mitchell movement today.  It was nice to see the return of a few faces we haven't seen in a while.  Brent/Roslyn and Donna/Peter came in first place, with Barbara/Carole and Linda/John coming in first in B and Nancy/Mary Ellen and Jim/Ed coming in first in C.  The C strat players all had an average of less than 300 mps.

Please try to play in our Portsmouth Sectional match this Saturday and Sunday.


 Wednesday 13 November 2024 -  FUN GAME.

We had a 5 and a half table Howell movement playing  8 rounds of 3 boards.  The Moores seemed to have More and came in First with a 63.69% game.  Congratuations!  We  had a new member play who is taking lessons on Tuesday come and play today! Welcome Jan Ebeling!  Thank you for joining our little bridge club!  The Poulins (60.94%)  followed the Moores closely, then Jack and Dave(60.11%), with Pat and Sherry coming in 4th at 56.77%.  We had a cold front come in last night so it was a tad bit chilly, but thanks to the constant upgrading of Centennial Hall we were warm enough. 

Thank you all for coming.  Maybe next week we can have a Mitchell movement when we do not have a half table!

See you all next week!


 Tuesday November 12 2024

We started Play of the Hand on declarer play today in Adv. Beginners class and Take Out Doubles and responses in Beginners class.  We will continue to work on both of these topics next week. We had three new people join our beginner's lessons: Jan Ebeling (who finished fourth in the pupil game), Lyndon Blaylock and Charles Mullen.  Lyndon and Charles had to leave after the lesson today, but we look forward to seeing them in the Pupil Game from now on.  Welcome!!

We had 5 full tables in our Pupil Game.  Mary Lynn and Claire came in first with 69.44%!! Sue and Martha finished second with 63.24%..  I look forward to seeing everyone next week!  --Carl

 Thursday Open Game 7 November 2024

We are very happy to see the new players here at the club today - welcome Barbara Turk and James Garvey. It was also nice to have Paul Arond, Anne Aoki and the Connors here.  Congrats to Lisa/Nancy and Gordon/Skip for the first place finishes. The B strat spots were actually won by C strat players - Congrats to Mary  Ellen/Nancy, Anne/Paul and Darrel/Brent for these fine games.

We were challenged to an international online Swiss game with a club in England for wednesday 11/27.  Unfortunately we only had about 8 players able to play on that day right before Thanksgiving.  I will see if many Greatbay players want to play.

 Wednesday 6 November 2024 - Unbelievable weather!  We had the double doors and 2 windows wide open for all the fresh air! Air Bathing so to speak! We had a 4 and a half Howell Movement with 9 rounds and 27 hands.  The winners, Penny and Rick just edged out Hildy and Paul.  Then came Pat and Sherry followed closely by Dave and Jack!  Its amazing how partnerships can jump from last to first place in one round!. Everybody it seems was first for a round!

You all did a good job!  Thank you for coming. Our club is slowly losing individuals who would rather spend their November someplace south instead of enjoying the Beautiful weather.  But please keep coming we will try and find you a compatible partner!


 Tuesday 5 November 2024

We reviewed and had supervised play and bidding in Adv Beginners and continued competitive bidding in Beginners class, dealing with opponent's over-calls  Next week we will begin studying the Play of the Deal in advanced beginners and start a series on take-out doubles in beginners class.

The winners today were Herb and Ellen Kingsbury with 62.5%!!  Congrats!! Second place went to Jane and Susan with 56.25%, followed closely by Melissa and Christopher with 55.21% for third.

Today is also election day!  I, for one, am glad it is finally here!

Have a great week!  ---Carl