Thursday Open Game 13 February 2025

We only played 5-1/2 tables this week because people were scared of the storm which did not really materialize. ACBL will award 25% gold for today's game.  Congratulations to Simone/Gordon and Jim/Ed for getting points in the C strat today. Please forgive the earlier posted result. Previously there was a mistaken switch in direction for boards 13-15 which my earlier correction did not take.

12 February 2025 - We had a fabulous Lincoln's Birthday game!

 Hello All!

We had a 5 and a half table Howell Movement where we had one sit out and everybody played 24 hands, in 8 sets of 3 boards.  The first place went to Margie and Suzanne with a 60.11%, Dave and Jan came in 2nd with 58.33%.  Third/fourth place was a tie between the partnership of Dave and Zelda and Cynthia and Marion with a 54.17%.   You all did well!  The top score for Hand 9 was a 930 by Pat Dodge on a doubled 3 Spades making 4. Wow! Great Bidding!  The booby prize goes to Jack and Shipwreck, bidding 1 diamond and making 7 on hand 20!  Was someone asleep? Thank you for coming on such a cold and overcast day!  We missed all our friends from Exeter, Please come back!

Please remember Jane G.! Give her a call or take some food! Poor gal!  We will welcome her back with open arms!  Enough of the joint problems!

See you next week! 


 Tuesday 11 February 2025

We discussed handling the opponents as declarer in Adv Beginners and began a new cycle in beginners lessons with evaluating the hand and opening one of a suit.  Next week we will look at the squeeze play and the end play as declarer in Advanced Beginners and responses to openers bids in Beginners class.

The winners today were the Cullys with 64.58%!  Second place went to Wynne G and Betty L with 59.03% and third place went to Cathy V and Dianne Luby with a very nice 56.94%.  We welcome a new member Tricia Higgins who is brand new to bridge, but is picking it up quickly!  Welcome Tricia!!

See you all again next week! ---Carl 

Another Bridge Boot Camp coming March 8, 2025

What it will be like:

    We will discuss up to 27 randomly dealt boards, one at a time.  Attendees will bid and play the same hand, followed by discussion of how I would have bid  and played the hand and why. A hard copy of the hands and my discussion of the bid and play will be provided at the end of the camp.  I will have enough sets of cards to handle up to 5 tables.  If needed, due to extra players that don't fill out a table, some players will need to rotate as observers, but no one will need to do so for more than a few of the hands.  That will only happen if we have one or two extra because I will fill out the table if we have three extra.

It will start at 10 AM and continue until 4 PM or until 27 boards have been discussed, whichever comes first.  There will be a 15 minute break for lunch at about noon, but no lunch will be available, so bring your own.  

The fee will be $15/person, which is divided between Centennial Hall, North Hampton DBC, and me.

If you have any questions, email me at  Hope to see you there!  ---Carl


 Another Bridge Boot Camp coming March 8, 2025

What it will be like:

    We will discuss up to 27 randomly dealt boards, one at a time.  Attendees will bid and play the same hand, followed by discussion of how I would have bid  and played the hand and why. A hard copy of the hands and my discussion of the bid and play will be provided at the end of the camp.  I will have enough sets of cards to handle up to 5 tables.  If needed, due to extra players that don't fill out a table, some players will need to rotate as observers, but no one will need to do so for more than a few of the hands.  That will only happen if we have one or two extra because I will fill out the table if we have three extra.

It will start at 10 AM and continue until 4 PM or until 27 boards have been discussed, whichever comes first.  There will be a 15 minute break for lunch at about noon, but no lunch will be available, so bring your own.  

The fee will be $15/person, which is divided between Centennial Hall, North Hampton DBC, and me.

If you have any questions, email me at  Hope to see you there!  ---Carl

 Thursday 6 February 2024

Sorry but bridge is cancelled today. We are projected to receive 4" of snow during our game which would be difficult to deal with safely.


Wednesday 5 February 2025 Cold sunny Day

 Hello bridge players!

Today WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025 we played a 6 table 8 round Howell movement with 3 boards a round for a total of 24 boards!

We welcomed a new player - Bob Walsh who played with Jim Nay and takes lessons from Joe Watts in Exeter!   North Hampton welcome Exeter players!  

Today the first place finish went to John Burnap and Joan Nickel with a 61.67% game!  One of our longest partnerships!  Congratulations! Second place went to Hildy and Paul with a 59.58% game! In third with 59.17 were Jan E. and Suzanne then in 4th were Jan P. and Jane with 58.75% followed closely by Pat and Sherry!  You are all winners! (PS  Jan E and Jan P's names are not pronounced the same!)

Thank you for coming today! Stay safe tomorrow with the expected snowstorm. We broke down the tables to save the director a trip over the weekend if it snows and bridge is canceled on Thursday!

See you on Lincoln's birthday (remember him??) next week!


 Tuesday February 4, 2025

In advanced beginners class we discussed planning the hand and preserving entries. In Beginners lesson, we reviewed Jacoby 2NT and talked about filling out the convention card.  Next week we will talk about handling the opponents in Adv Beginners and we will reboot to a new cycle and discuss evaluating your hand in Beginner's lessons.  

It will be a new cycle of lessons so if you know anyone looking to learn how to play bridge with no prior knowledge, next week is the lesson they want to start. 

The winners today and for the second week in a row were the Kingsburys with a whopping 67.89%!!!  Lyndon B and Charles M came in second with 56.25%.  We welcomed two new members with Barbara McAdoo and John Ricjards.  Welcome!!

I had a great time as usual and look forward to next week!  --Carl