Thursday Open Game 30 January 2024

We had a nice 8-1/2 table Mitchell movement today.  Congratulations to Claudia/Carl and Sandra/Bob for the first place finishes.  Jim/Ed and Suzanne/Dave were first and second in the C strat. I expect the mps below to be increased y 50% by acbl.

 Wednesday 29 January 2025 - This morning we had a little bit of snow. We had 4 and a half table and played a 9 round Howell game with 27 boards.

The couple in first were Jan and Jane with  60.42% , in second place were Rick and Penny with a 57.64% followed by Bobbie and Sic, and Gordon and Jack.  You all did very well.  

Thank you for coming to bridge on Wednesday.  Remember you can come without a partner and we will set you up.  (a good set up hopefully)



 Tuesday 28 January 2025

In Advanced beginners, we discussed the importance of determining when to pull trump as declarer.  In beginners. we discussed the Gerber convention used to ask for Aces and Kings in No Trump.  Next week we will continue play of the Hand in Advanced Beginners and review Jacoby 2NT in beginners.  

We restart the cycle on February 11 (That's just two weeks away!), so tell all of your friends who are interested in learning bridge, but were reluctant to come into the middle of the lesson cycle.

We Had 6 full tables in the pupil game including a fill-in by the instructor.  Gerri C and Kathy H were the big winners with 63% and the Kingsburys came in a very repectable second with almost 62%! Our new player, Lynn Bubley( WELCOME!!), came in third, in spite of being saddled with the instuctor.

Looking forward to next week already!!  ---Carl

 Thursday Open Game 23 January 2025

We had another perfect game yesterday with 9 full tables. I just learned the mps shown below are 50% below the mps eventually awarded by acbl and there is nothing I can do to fix the acbl program to report the correct mps. I understand that this report is based on playing 18 boards, but since we played 27 boards the mp award below is multiplied by 27/18.

Anyway there were a couple real buzz saw hands yesterday. Board 6 had a C void opposite a D void which was great for defense but horrible for offense. On board 21 I thought my 2H bid was safe in S since I had 6 until I found that W had 6 H also!

Congrats to Pam/Larry and Sue/Barbara for first place finishes. John/Nancy and Brent/Darrell did great as C strat teams and Ellen/Nancy and Joe/Linda placed well as B strat teams.

Wednesday January 22, 2025 Some boards you shuffled yourselves! Fun game!

 Wednesday 22 January 2025 - Daybreak saw negative numbers in Fahrenheit, but 5 tables of hearty people showed up to play Bridge.  We had a visitor on his way to Bermuda- Richard ,  from Arizona who played with Jan Ebeling! On hand 3 they bid and made 6 NT.

Unfortunately,  I thought we had 6 tables and put the mats out for 6 tables.  Then when I discovered my error, I tried to run the game the old fashioned way - with Travelers - little slips that belong to each board, Unfortunately we had people playing the same people. The travelers were the half a sheet of paper.  Everybody said they did not care about the score, so we just played 9 rounds.  I will show the cards that you played, so you can see for the few hands, what you played. 

 Tuesday 21 January 2025

We continued Play of the Hand Suit bids in advanced beginners and went over King Asking in the Beginner's lesson.  Next week, we will discuss planning the play in advanced beginners and the Gerber convention in the beginner's lesson. 

We had 4.5 tables in our Pupil game and played 9 rounds of 2 with a sit out. The Cullys were the winners (again!) with a score of 58.33% and Lyndon B and Charles M are back and came in second at 56.25%. Christopher and Melissa  were third at 54.17% and the Kingsburys came in fourth with a respectable 53.15%.

We will be doing a restart of the beginner's lesson cycle on February 11, so tell all your friends who are interested in learning the game.

Also, I want to remind you to keep March 8th clear for our "Bridge Boot Camp" here in Centennial Hall.

IMPORTANT REQUEST!  There are several forms of viruses that are making the rounds this winter. We are an elderly club and don't have the ability to fight off infections that we had when we were younger.  So, please, if you are feeling symptoms or think you may have been exposed to a virus (not just COVID, but flu, a cold, or any of the alphabet soup of viruses that have been identified) stay home and come back when you are feeling better.  Thank You for your cooperation.

 Thursday Open Game 16 January 2024

We had a great 9-1/2 table match today.  I was happy to see Ellen Hamil, Carolyn Furber and Lucia here again.  Congrats to the new partnership of Carole Shepis and Bob for first place N/S. Jim/Ed took first place E/W even though they are C strat players. Joe and Linda also finished in the money as C strat players. I am not yet sure why my acbl program calculates the mps below when acbl actually awarded 4.24 mps for first place.

Wedneday 15 JAN 2025 Really Windy and Cold Fun Game to be inside

Today we had a 6 and a half table Howell game, where all players played 24 boards.  The people in first were  Jane and Jan with a 63.3 % game followed by Colleen and Audry with 59.17%  and Cynthia and Marion with 56.67%, but all of you are winners. There was a tie for 4/5 between Bobbie and Sid and Hildy and Paul.  We welcome Bill Shipwreck back after a prolonged absence.

Thank you all for coming on such a cold day!

See you next week.


 Tuesday January 14 2025

We talked about counting losers in suit bids in adv beginners lesson.  We will begin discussions on planning the order of play next week.

In beginners lessons, we talked about 1430 (RKC) .  Next week we will discuss asking for Kings,

We had 4.5 tables in the pupil game. The winners were Christopher and Melissa with 68.75%.  Second place went to John Safford and Bill Swett wih 61.46% and third were John B and Joan N with 57.29%.

See you all next week.  --Carl

 Thursday 9 January 2025

We had 8 full tables in our STaC game today.  WE played 8 rounds of 3 boards with a ship after 4 rounds so you played the same people in the 8th round as the 1st.  Lesley and Carol were the overall winners in both A and B strat and Lisa and Nancy were the EW winners in both A and B strat. Darrell and Brent won the C strat NS and Jim and Ed won the C strat EW.  The points will convert to silver by the end of the week,

Wednesday 8 January 2025


On a cold and extremely windy day, we had a 5 and a half table Howell movement, playing 3 boards a round. 

The pair that came in first were Hildy and Paul followed closely by Mark and Marie-Laure, whom we have not seen for a long time! Congratulations. Third were Jill and Janet, followed by Jane and Jan!.  You all played a great game, and kept knocking the first place people out and replacing them. What a race!  You all played very well and were really competitive!

Thank you for coming.  We will continue to play at 12 Noon.


 Tuesday January 7 2025

We learned about planning No Trump play and choosing the order of play as declarer in the advanced beginner lesson.  In beginners we learned about the three methods of Ace asking and practiced bidding Blackwood and playing slams.  Next week we will learn about playing suit contracts as declarer in Adv Beginners and Roman Key Card in beginners.

We had 5 full tables with a playing director in the Pupil game.  David Rollins carried his partner to victory with 64.76%!  The Culleys  came in second with 62.33% and Christopher and Melissa cam in third.  It was a great beginning to the new year!  See you next week! ---Carl

IMPORTANT REQUEST!  There are several forms of viruses that are making the rounds this winter. We are an elderly club and don't have the ability to fight off infections that we had when we were younger.  So, please, if you are feeling symptoms or think you may have been exposed to a virus (not just COVID, but flu, a cold, or any of the alphabet soup of viruses that have been identified) stay home and come back when you are feeling better.  Thank You for your cooperation.

 Thursday Open Game 2 January 2025

We had a perfect 9 table Mitchell today with 3 A, 3 B and 3C stratifications both EW and NS for our first game of the year.  Roger (playing with Connie today) just won his 3rd first place finish this week! The 2nd place finish was taken by C strat teams in both NS and EW - congrats to Darrell/Brent and Linda/Nancy for fine games.  Mary/Andi also placed 4th even though they are in the C strat.

Next week is a silver point sTac game. The lesson will be taken from Ron Mak's lesson on Christian replies to 1NT.


 Today for the rainy gray day,  we had a Marvelous Pizza Party with 6 full tables.  We played a Howell Movement with 8 rounds. We welcomed a couple of new players to the Wednesday game, Dave Roberts and Carol Rodenberg, both of who played here at North Hampton in the Past!.  Just the right number of pizzas with 3/4 of a pizza left over for snacking!  Jan Poulin brought delicious brownies with nuts in them!  Those disappeared very quickly.

Coming in first for the New Year's Day Fun Game were the team of Connie and Roger with a 71.67%!  What a way to start off 2025! Second place went to the partnership of Jane and Jan with 55.83%, then Gordon and his bride with a 55.42!   Claire and Mary Lynn were hot on theri heals!  You all did very well!  Thank you all for making the party so much fun!

Thank you all for coming on such a rainy, otherwise dreary day!


PS.  If you want to see how the group on Thursday would play the same hands, check the 19 Dec 2024 contracts!  They had several small slam bids and made! I did not look at what we did today!  (Just a hint, Roger and Connie, may have played all the same hands in all the same direction 13 days ago, so even if you don't remember a specific hand there is probably some hidden memory) 

Happy New Year!