Tuesday 21 January 2025
We continued Play of the Hand Suit bids in advanced beginners and went over King Asking in the Beginner's lesson. Next week, we will discuss planning the play in advanced beginners and the Gerber convention in the beginner's lesson.
We had 4.5 tables in our Pupil game and played 9 rounds of 2 with a sit out. The Cullys were the winners (again!) with a score of 58.33% and Lyndon B and Charles M are back and came in second at 56.25%. Christopher and Melissa were third at 54.17% and the Kingsburys came in fourth with a respectable 53.15%.
We will be doing a restart of the beginner's lesson cycle on February 11, so tell all your friends who are interested in learning the game.
Also, I want to remind you to keep March 8th clear for our "Bridge Boot Camp" here in Centennial Hall.
IMPORTANT REQUEST! There are several forms of viruses that are making
the rounds this winter. We are an elderly club and don't have the
ability to fight off infections that we had when we were younger. So,
please, if you are feeling symptoms or think you may have been exposed
to a virus (not just COVID, but flu, a cold, or any of the alphabet soup
of viruses that have been identified) stay home and come back when you
are feeling better. Thank You for your cooperation.