Tuesday February 4, 2025

In advanced beginners class we discussed planning the hand and preserving entries. In Beginners lesson, we reviewed Jacoby 2NT and talked about filling out the convention card.  Next week we will talk about handling the opponents in Adv Beginners and we will reboot to a new cycle and discuss evaluating your hand in Beginner's lessons.  

It will be a new cycle of lessons so if you know anyone looking to learn how to play bridge with no prior knowledge, next week is the lesson they want to start. 

The winners today and for the second week in a row were the Kingsburys with a whopping 67.89%!!!  Lyndon B and Charles M came in second with 56.25%.  We welcomed two new members with Barbara McAdoo and John Ricjards.  Welcome!!

I had a great time as usual and look forward to next week!  --Carl