Tuesday 5 March 2024
When I compare my files to the actual boards, they don't seem to match the boards we played! So these comments may not be about the boards you played today.
Here are some comments on the first 6 boards and Board 22. --Carl
Located at beautiful Centennial Hall in North Hampton, New Hampshire at 105 Post Road, this club offers three programs to learn and enjoy duplicate bridge; Beginner up to Standard American Lessons followed by a Pupil Duplicate Game on Tuesdays, Open Play For Fun Game on Wednesdays and Advanced Lessons followed by an Open ACBL Sanctioned Game on Thursdays. See Programs below right for details. Contact the Club Manager, Skip Page, at (845)341-7178 or sdeelpage@comcast.net.
Tuesday 5 March 2024
Everyone seemed to like using boards instead of a lecture or a powerpoint presentation. I did too! I plan to do them that way whenever possible from now on.
Next week's lesson will focus on the second bid from opener. See you then!
NS winners in the fun game today were Herb and Ellen Kingsbury and EW winners were Wynne Griffin and Betty Lewis. Congratulations!
After looking at the actual boards, some of them do not match the files. May have been a mix-up with some of the cards, so if the boards don't look like what you played, sorry about that. As I will be making up my own boards and files in the future, it shouldn't happen again.
Quick reminder. I will not be giving a lesson on 3/19, but Suzanne Sayer will!