Thursday 6 February 2024

Sorry but bridge is cancelled today. We are projected to receive 4" of snow during our game which would be difficult to deal with safely.


Wednesday 5 February 2025 Cold sunny Day

 Hello bridge players!

Today WEDNESDAY 5 FEBRUARY 2025 we played a 6 table 8 round Howell movement with 3 boards a round for a total of 24 boards!

We welcomed a new player - Bob Walsh who played with Jim Nay and takes lessons from Joe Watts in Exeter!   North Hampton welcome Exeter players!  

Today the first place finish went to John Burnap and Joan Nickel with a 61.67% game!  One of our longest partnerships!  Congratulations! Second place went to Hildy and Paul with a 59.58% game! In third with 59.17 were Jan E. and Suzanne then in 4th were Jan P. and Jane with 58.75% followed closely by Pat and Sherry!  You are all winners! (PS  Jan E and Jan P's names are not pronounced the same!)

Thank you for coming today! Stay safe tomorrow with the expected snowstorm. We broke down the tables to save the director a trip over the weekend if it snows and bridge is canceled on Thursday!

See you on Lincoln's birthday (remember him??) next week!
